About Lee
Lee is a veteran to the accounting world that dates back to 1984. She admits that the color mango or orange/yellow from the Crayola crayon box make her smile. Lee’s favorite super hero???? Wonder Woman of course!
Lee Barends is determined and lively. She and her husband Tim are the master minds behind ITL. Lee is an incredible example of an established Enrolled Agent (EA) who does not fit the look and mindset of an accounting professional and tax preparer. One of Lee’s goals is to provide a comfortable and welcome atmosphere for clients not just in the way she and her team treat them but also the work environment. Lee and Tim are constantly working on the 1920’s building formerly the Bennett house where Mr. Mocus and his family used to live……..often times Lee thinks good old Mr. Mocus moves files around or prank the staff with relocation of items.
Lee is not ALL work though…..no indeed! Amongst the activities she enjoys is fishing with her husband Tim and daddy (the Colonel…Mr. Art Zieske) on Dauphin Island. She also enjoys traveling, gardening, jet-skiing and cooking. Her favorite place to be is anywhere with her husband Tim, son T.J., his wife Chelsea and son Joshua. Lee’s favorite form of entertainment is when her son’s T.J. and Joshua perform. To Lee they are the most incredibly talented men on the face of the earth! By trade, T.J. is a musician and owner of Bare Sounds, a music store and recording studio. Joshua is an Associate Artist/Animator at Deep Silver Volition in Champaign, Illinois. Daughter-in-law Chelsea is ITL’s Staff Accountant extraordinaire!!!!
Enrolled Agent (EA), Tax Preparer / Consultant, New Business Consulting, New Business Set-up, Payroll Set-up / Preparer / Advisor, Financial Consulting Service, Accounting / Bookkeeping Service and Client Relations
IRS Nationwide Tax Forum, LSIA/NCPE Corporation/Partnership Seminar, LSIA/NCPE 1040 Workshop, LSEA (State affiliate of NAEA) annual membership meeting, LSEA (State affiliate of NAEA) 1040 Update Seminar, Edward Jones All-Star Tax Series, Jennings Seminar, IRS/LDR seminar at the SLU Small Business Department, Taxwise Webinar or live seminar (annual training of tax preparation software)